Available Program Animals

Red Foot Tortoise
Our hungry Redfoot tortoises are always excited to see people, especially when they have lettuce!
Learn all about how these beautiful tortoises help their South American forests by spreading seeds through the forest!

Sulcata (African Spurred) Tortoise
Sulcata tortoises are some of the world's largest tortoises and can live to be 100 years old or older!
Our younger sulcata tortoises are always hungry and growing. They will eventually grow to be over 100 pounds!
If you are planning a festival or other fundraising event, contact us about bringing our hungry herd and setting up a Tortoise Feeding Experience!

Three-toed Box Turtle
Our box turtles are native-born Texans, who love eating fruits, flowers, insects, and other foods! Learn about how to tell males from females, how their shell keeps their face safe, and what to do if you find a turtle in the road!

African Pygmy Hedgehog
Hazel the Hedgehog is a sweet and friendly insect eater from the African plains. Altough she seems tough and prickly at first, those quills are a neccesary defense against all kinds of predators.
We can't wait to teach you all about her and how her quills keep her safe in the wild!
Leopard Gecko
Leopard geckos are native to Afghanistan, but Zack was born in Texas.
These small, spotted lizards are extremely popular pets, thanks to their easy care, friendly personality, and bright colors.
Learn all about how Zack would survive the harsh seasons in his home range, and how he escapes from predators by dropping his tail!

Rock Igauna
Ajax is a massive lizard from the Cayman Islands! These powerful iguanas can grow to almost 5 feet long, and are the largest land animals in their ecosystem. They are peaceful herbivores, and are critically endangered due to habitat loss and introduced predators.

Bearded Dragon
Bearded dragons are tough inhabitants of the Australian Outback, where they live on bugs and plants, and protect themselves with their spiny skin. Valentina can't wait to teach you the ways of bearded dragons!

Gargoyle Gecko
Originally from New Caledonia, these elegant geckos love to climb and rest in flowers and leaves much like you see in their native islands between Fiji and Australia. Morticia is able to change color to adapt to her surroundings, as well as communicate her mood to other geckoes!

Asian Water Monitor
Toothless is our resident dragon in training! His species is the second largest lizard in the world, after their close relative the Komodo Dragon!
He is extremely intelligent, and is a skilled hunter, chasing down shrimp, fish, and eggs!

Blue Tongued Skink
Have you ever met a lizard with a blue tongue? Luna would love to show you her tongue! Native to Australia, these lizards use their flashy blue tongues to get away from predators like dingoes, eagles, and monitor lizards!

Bull Snake
Helga the bull snake may seem intimidating at first, but she is all bark & no bite!
Bull snakes are native Texans, and live on praires in Central Texas, where they hunt for gophers & prairie dogs underground.
When they feel threatened, these harmless snakes will mimic a rattlesnake, shaking their tail and making a loud, raspy hiss that fools coyotes, hawks, and humans!

Reticulated Python
At 12 feet, Apollo the reticulated python is a gentle giant. His size, color, and engaging personality will wow any animal lover, and make converts out of the most nervous admirers.​
Learn more about the world's longest snake!

Jungle Carpet Python
Chester is a brilliantly colored snake from Australia. These constrictors are excellent climbers and very curious. Measuring at 6.5 feet, Chester loves to climb on people, and will sometimes climb onto your head! In the wild, carpet pythons eat rodents, birds, and even large bats!

Honduran Milk Snake
Don't worry, Gomez isn't a coral snake!
Milk snakes are well known for their defensive adaptation, mimicking venomous and colorful coral snakes to scare away predators.
Milk snakes are found across North America, and the ones in Honduras can reach over 5 feet long!

Corn Snake
Corn snakes are a farmer's best friend!
These colorful, nonvenomous snakes are common in corn fields and farms across the Southeastern US, and they are fantastic when it comes to catching rodents!
Washington and Clinton, our pair of Okeetee corn snakes, are striking and beautiful!

Ball Python
Olaf is a pure white ball python, and one of the most beautiful snakes at the zoo!
In the wild, these short, stocky snakes are brown and black to hide from predators, but humans have bred hundreds of color and pattern mutations, producing a stunning variety of snakes.
Although Olaf is a meat-eater, he is very shy. Ball pythons get their name from their habit of curling into a tight ball when attacked and hiding their head.

Tiger Salamander
Alexander the Tiger Salamander is a truly awesome amphibian! Although he normally lives underground, he never minds coming out to meet new people!
Tiger salamanders start their lives in the water, breathing with gills. They lose their gills and paddle-shaped tails as they mature, and spend their adult lives living in burrows underground.

White's Treefrog
Sammy Croaker is our resident treefrog, and he loves hanging out on leaves and branches. These frogs are from Australia, and have ferocious appetites for insects!
Frogs are known as "environmental indicators" due to their sensitivity to pollution. Healthy frogs are a sign of healthy waterways!
Ready to meet our animals in person? Schedule a Tour, Birthday Party, or other event today!